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It's always such a pleasure.
Welcome to the new site, featuring brand new proccess, ACTUAL EFFORT!
I've always had problems with sticking with things. Especially on the internet where the climate is always changing and there is always things to do. Due to this, I have learnt alot since the begining of this site. My interests have changed and my mindset has changed. My plans for this site aren't yet set in stone but I have decided to keep going, despite neocities' limitaions, its always nice to have a place on the internet.
The reason for this change was boredom. Learning new things, despite difficulty, can be pretty fun. I've always liked computers and loved writing and processes, being methodical, make alot of sense to me. Ironic that I struggle with maths.
Nothing is finalised, It's entirely possible that everything will change. But until then:

Welcome to v2!